RunSmart MHK: Tendon Health Part II
Brenton Leighow, MS, CSCS, GFS, Maximum Performance Personal Trainer
Welcome to the final post of the RunSmart MHK blog series! In this one, we’ll conclude our discussion on tendon health.
The goal of these posts is to provide the running community of Manhattan, KS with information on how to improve performance, ensure running longevity and lowering your chance of injuries. Within our RunSmart MHK team at Maximum Performance, we have personal trainers, physical therapists, certified strength and conditioning specialists and college and professional athletes. We continue to expand our knowledge and experience in the field so we can be your best possible resources.
We hope that our blog posts have helped you improve, recover and maximize your running potential. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our RunSmart MHK team if you have any questions. We’ll see you in the next blog series!
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